kusama snapshot

Chain kusama
Block height 17713381
Block hash 0xc62e549b084be418c957c6c7d7cb5ec60224b96fa1e...
Creation date 2023-04-30T21:51:55UTC
Database format paritydb - What is this?
Pruning mode Pruned - What is this?
Compression format lz4
Version used for snapshotting 0.9.39-1-298b4aefe1b
Download link kusama-17713381.paritydb.tar.lz4
Size 251737456627

Verify on Polkastats - Verify on Polkascan

How to use

Issue the following command to download and unpack the archive in one step:

curl -o - -L https://ksm.polkashots.io/kusama-17713381.paritydb.tar.lz4 | lz4 -c -d - | tar -x -C /home/polkadot/.local/share/polkadot/chains/ksmcc3

Or simply use the permalink:

curl -o - -L https://ksm.polkashots.io/snapshot | lz4 -c -d - | tar -x -C /home/polkadot/.local/share/polkadot/chains/ksmcc3

Note: if applicable, replace /home/polkadot with the actual storage location.

Then run the kusama node:

polkadot --chain=kusama --database=paritydb --pruning=1000

More details

About polkashots.io.

Polkadot documentation.